
Selected masterpieces of Europe

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Selected masterpieces of Europe

From Courbet to Baselitz. Collection of International Art after 1800
2024. szeptember 22.

15:00 - 16:00

Időtartam: 60 minutes
Maximális létszám: 17 persons

On the occasion of European Culture Day, we review the best of international fine arts from the 19th century to the present day with the help of French, Austrian, German, Belgian, and emigrated Hungarian artists’ works. Discover our reorganized exhibition titled From Courbet to Baselitz. Collection of International Art after 1800!

Additional ticket fee (valid together with the ticket for the permanent exhibitions): HUF 2,000
Duration: 60 minutes
Tickets are available online or by the entrance of the exhibition on a first come, first served basis

Maximum number of participants: 17 persons


További programok:

Olasz nyelvű vezetés

Visita guidata in italiano

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Mama, nézd!

Nyári szellő

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Kreatív alkotótér

8–13 éveseknek   |   15 fő